11.1 Asymptotic Theorems for Dependent Random Variables
The asymptotic theorems and regressions that work for \(iid\) random variable do not immediately apply to time series. Consider the proof for Theorem 10.1, without the \(iid\) assumption we have
The argument for the \(iid\) does not work with the presence of serial correlations. If we assume absolute summability, \(\sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} |\gamma_j| <\infty\), then
In this case, we still have the LLN holds. Otherwise, as the variance may not converge. Remember Theorem 4.1, absolute summability implies the series is ergodic.
Proposition 11.1 If \(x_t\) is a covariance stationary time series with absolutely summable auto-covariances, then a Law of Large Numbers holds.
From the new proof of LLN one can guess that the variance in a Central Limit Theorem should also change. The serially correlated \(x_t\), the liming variance is given by
We call \(S\) the long-run variance. There are many CLTs for serially correlated observations. We give the two mostly commonly cited versions: one applies to MA(\(\infty\)) processes, the other one is more general.
Theorem 11.1 Let \(y_t\) be an MA process: \(y_t = \mu + \sum_{j=0}^\infty c_j\epsilon_{t-j}\) where \(\epsilon_t\) is independent white noise and \(\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} |c_j|<\infty\) (this implies ergodic), then
\sqrt{T} \bar y_t \overset{d}\to N(0, S),
where \(S = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}\gamma_k\) is the long-run variance.
Theorem 11.2 (Gordin’s CLT) Assume we have a strictly stationary and ergodic series \(\{y_t\}\) with \(\mathbb{E}(y_t^2) <\infty\) satisfying: \(\sum_j\{\mathbb{E}[\mathbb{E}[y_t|I_{t-j}]-\mathbb{E}[y_t|I_{t-j-1}]]^2\}^{1/2} <\infty\) and \(\mathbb{E}[y_t|I_{t-j}]\to 0\) as \(j\to\infty\), then
\sqrt{T} \bar y_t \overset{d}\to N(0, S),
where \(S = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}\gamma_k\) is the long-run variance.
The Gordin’s conditions are intended to make the dependence between distant observations to decrease to 0. ARMA process is a special case of Gordin series. The essence of these theorems is that we need some restrictions on dependencies for LLN and CLT to hold. We allow serial correlations as long as they are not too strong. If the observations become almost independent as they are far away in time, the can still apply the asymptotic theorems.
11.2 OLS for Time Series
Definition 11.1 Given a time series regression model
Strictly exogeneity requires innovations being exogenous from all past and future regressors; while weakly exogeneity only requires being exogenous from past regressors. In practice, strict exogeneity is too strong as an assumption. The weak exogenous is more practical and it is enough to ensure the consistency of the OLS estimator.
Note how the covariance matrix \(S\) is different from the one in the \(iid\) case where \(S=\sigma^2\mathbb{E}(x_ix_i')\). The long-run variance \(S\) takes into account the auto-dependencies between observations. The auto-dependencies usually arise from the serially correlated error terms. It may also arise from \(x_t\) being autocorrelated and from conditional heteroskedasticity of the error terms. Because of the auto-covariance structure, \(S\) cannot be estimated in the same way as in the \(iid\) case. The estimator for \(S\) is called HAC (heteroskedasticity autocorrelation consistent) standard errors.
11.3 HAC Standard Errors
\(S\) can be estimated with truncated autocovariances,
\hat S = \sum_{j=-h(T)}^{h(T)} \hat\gamma_j.
\(h(T)\) is a function of \(T\) and \(h(T)\to\infty\) as \(T\to\infty\), but more slowly. Because we don’t want to include too many imprecisely estimated covariances. Another problem is the estimated \(\hat S\) might be negative. The solution is weight the covariances in a way to ensure positiveness:
\hat S = \sum_{j=-h(T)}^{h(T)} k_T(j) \hat\gamma_j.
\(k_T(\cdot)\) is called a kernel. The weights are chosen to guarantee positive-definiteness by weighting down high lag covariances. Also we need \(k_T(\cdot)\to 1\) for consistency.
A popular HAC estimator is the Newey-West variance estimator, in which \(h(T) = 0.75 T^{1/3}\) and \(k_T(j) = \frac{h-j}{h}\), so that
\hat S = \sum_{j=-h}^{h} \left(\frac{h-j}{h}\right)\hat\gamma_j.
11.4 Example
Note that all of our discussions in this chapter apply only to stationary time series. Without stationarity, even the autocovariance \(\gamma_j\) might not be well-defined. In the following example, we generate artificial data from an AR(2) process, and recover the parameters by regression \(y_t\) on its lags.
library(lmtest)y =arima.sim(list(ar =c(0.5, 0.3)), n =1000)mod =lm(y ~ ., data =cbind(y, lag(y,-1), lag(y,-2)))coeftest(mod, vcov. = sandwich::NeweyWest(mod))
t test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.014405 0.031012 -0.4645 0.6424
`lag(y, -1)` 0.550817 0.031510 17.4808 < 2.2e-16 ***
`lag(y, -2)` 0.234545 0.032602 7.1942 1.235e-12 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1