39 Metropolis–Hastings
39.1 Dependent Sampling
We have mentioned, despite the posterior density is hard to compute, it is easy to determine the relative frequencies of the parameter values:
\[ \frac{p(\theta_A|X)}{p(\theta_B|X)}=\frac{p(X|\theta_A)p(\theta_A)}{p(X|\theta_B)p(\theta_B)} \tag{39.1}\]
To generate a sample that approximate the posterior distribution, we require the values with higher probability density to be sampled proportionally more often.
Imagine we are exploring an unknown map. We start somewhere, each step forward depends on the current location. We require some areas (with high density) be explored more than others. This means the exploration moves cannot be purely “random walk”. We need some rules to dictate the “direction” of the next move. So that the exploration approximates the relative frequency suggested by Equation 39.1.
Note that this exploration (sampling) algorithm necessarily has dependencies. The next sample value depends on the current sample value. This is called dependent sampling as opposed to independent sampling. Dependent sampling naturally takes more samples to reach a reasonable approximation of the posterior than independent sampling. Because of the dependency, each move gives less information than independent sampling.
39.2 Random Walk Metropolis
We now introduce one of the most famous MCMC algorithm:
This Metropolis criteria is the only one that will work. It strikes the perfect balance between random exploring and paying attention to the posterior shape — If we pay too little attention, we get uniform sampling; if we pay too much attention, we will get stuck on a mode forever. It can be proved the algorithm converges to the posterior distribution. That is, if the algorithm reaches the posterior density, it stays there.
39.3 Remarks
Step size. The rate at which Metropolis converges to the posterior distribution is highly sensitive to the step size. If the step size is too small, we obtain a density that is highly dependent on the initial value. It takes a long time to find areas of high density. On the other hand, if the step size is too big, we would reject the majority of proposals, since most of the parameter space is low and flat, and we would get a highly autocorrelated chain with low number of effective samples. We would tune the step size so that rate of acceptance is optimized (0.44 for one-dimensional models, 0.23 for high-dimensional models).
Multiple chains. It is never a good idea to run a single chain (exploring from one starting point forever). Different chains (starting from different initial values) are likely exploring different density areas of the posterior space. It takes longer time for a single chain to explore the entire space. If different chains converge to the same distribution, we are confident the whole posterior space is explored.
Convergence. We can compare the within-chain variance and the between-chain variance to gauge the convergence.
\[ \begin{aligned} \text{within-chain variance: } & W=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{j=1}^m s_j^2 \\ \text{between-chain variance: } & B=\frac{n}{m-1}\sum_{j=1}^m (\bar\theta_j-\bar\theta)^2 \\ \end{aligned} \]
where \(s_j^2\) is the sample variance of chain \(j\), \(\theta\) represents the sample mean, \(m\) is the number of chains. The convergence can be gauged by the \(R\)-ratio:
\[ \hat R=\sqrt{\frac{W+\frac{1}{n}(B-W)}{W}} \]
Initially, \(\hat R >> 1\). The better the convergence, the closer \(\hat R\) is to \(1\).
Warm-up. The first part of the chain is selected in a haphazard fashion, and unlikely to be representative of the posterior. So we should not include the first few samples in our final posterior sample. Usually, it is recommended to discard the first half of the chains that appear to have converged as a default method.
Effective sample size. Dependent sampling naturally converges slower than independent sampling. For independent sampling, CLT predicts \(\sqrt{T}(\hat\theta - \theta)\to N(0, \sigma^2)\). We say the convergence speed is \(T^{-1/2}\). The effective sample size, \(n_{\text{eff}}\), for a dependent sampler is defined so that its convergence speed is \(n_{\text{eff}}^{-1/2}\).
Thinning. Once convergence is reached, we could make our samples look “more independent” if we keep only every tenth, or hundredth, of the samples. These will naturally be less correlated than the original samples. This process is known as “thinning”.